Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lesson 2- Early Church Councils (325-451 AD)

 First Council- Tia & Jessica

 Second Council- Betty & Jerrin
Third Council- Jacob & Ajish
Hello SS Class!

This blog is created for the purpose of posting various topics that we will be covering this year, 2013-14. This includes, but not limited to, class work, notes, links to other sites, etc...I hope you will find it useful as you learn the rich history of the Orthodox faith and as you prepare for midterm and final exams. My prayer is that you will seek an intimate relationship with Christ and draw near to Him through Scripture, study and worship.

Looking forward to an awesome year! :-)

Lesson 1: Factors that Promoted Growth of Roman Catholic Church

 Lesson 1- Growth of the Roman Catholic Church
Date: 09/22/13